Saturday, February 20, 2016

My People

Shaun Steiner’s Blog

My People

by Langston Hughes
Photographed by Charles R. Smith, Jr. 

Published by Ginny Seo Books / Atheneum, 2009
32 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4169-3540-7

Age 3 and older

        The night is beautiful. / So the faces of my people.” The full-hearted affirmation of Langston Hughes’s celebratory poem is given stirring visual accompaniment by Charles R. Smith, Jr. in this volume featuring black-and-white photographs of Black faces young and old, dark and light, joyful and soulful. Smith captures his subjects from varying angles and distances, creating ever-changing interest in the design. The photographs, tinged with sepia, are striking against the black background of the pages—each face is like the sun: shining and warm. Page spreads feature one to three people; sometimes carefully juxtaposed portraits, sometimes individuals interacting. Thumbnails of additional portraits grace some of the page borders, while larger images are features on the end papers of this singular volume.

The Genre of this short story is Narrative.
Motivational Activities
  1. I would have the children write 2 or 3 sentences telling me what their two favorite pictures are in the book. They would have to give details about the pictures and what made them special.
  2. Discussion Questions:
  • How was this book encouraging to you?
  • Where do you find inspiration? Why did this book interest you?
  • How would you react if your family member were in this book?

  • Personal Comment:
    1. I really enjoyed reading this book because it gave the reader many illustrations to view of African American people from the present and the past. The children will see that there have been many influential people from African decent.
2. The book is good for children who are not exposed to many other cultures.
  • About Langston Hughes:
  • James Mercer Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist from Joplin, Missouri. He was one of the earliest innovators of the then-new literary art form called jazz poetry.
  • Other books by Langston Hughes.
    1. The Weary Blues
    2. The Negro speaks of Rivers
Hughes, L., & Smith, C. R. (2009). My people. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers/ginee seo Books.

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