Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Name is Maria

Shaun Steiner’s Blog

My Name Is Maria Isabel

By Alma Flor Ada
Illustrated by K. Dyble Thompson
Published by Atheneum, 1993
57 pages
ISBN: 0-689-31517-1

We already have two Mariás in this class. Why don't we call you Mary instead?" So begins the first day at a new school for nine-year old Mariá Isabel Salazar Lopez, who is proud of her real name, and the Puerto Rican family heritage it represents. Mariá Isabel can't get used to the strange new name Mary Lopez, but she is shy and doesn't know how to tell her teacher. If that weren't enough, her mother gets a job and is no longer at home when Mariá Isabel finishes school each day. Mariá Isabel's struggle to adapt to changes, and to find her voice, is at the center of this inviting story exploring important issues of identity and understanding.

The Genre of this short story is Narrative..
Motivational Activities
  1. I would have the children write 2 or 3 sentences telling me why they are proud of their last name.
  2. Discussion Questions:
  • How was Maria different from her peers?
  • Where did Maria come from? Why did Maria not want to be called Mary instead?
  • How would you react if someone were to call you by a different name? What would you say to him?

  • Personal Comment:
    1. I really enjoyed reading this book because it shows the importance of heritage. The children will see that everyone is different. Each child comes from a different culture and they have unique names for a reason..
2. The book is good for children who are not exposed to many other cultures.
  • About Alma Flor Ada:
  • Alma Flor Ada (born January 3, 1938 in Camagüey, Cuba) is an award-winning Cuban-American author of children’s books, poetry, and novels.  A Professor Emerita at the University of San Francisco, Dr. Ada is recognized for her work promoting bilingual and multicultural education in the United States.
  • Other books by Alma Flor Ada.
    1. Where the flame trees bloom
    2. With Love little Red Hen
Ada, A. F., & Thompson, K. D. (1993). My name is María Isabel. New York: Atheneum.

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