Saturday, February 20, 2016

Martin Luther King

Shaun Steiner’s Blog
Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
By Bonnie Bader

Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? is a biographical book about him. It shows pictures for kids. 
The Genre of this short story is Biography..
Motivational Activities
  1. I would have the children write 2 or 3 sentences telling me 2 large events he spoke at, telling me the place, date, and how many people were there.
  2. Discussion Questions:
  • How did Martin Luther King Jr. change America?
  • Where did he spend most of his time in the Country? Why did he speak in these locations?
  • How would you react if you were an African American and you heard him speak live?

  • Personal Comment:
    1. I really enjoyed reading this book because it shows the way people who are treated unfairly can rise above hatred and make something positive out of it. The children will see what can be accomplished by setting your mind to changing the way things are..
2. The book is good for children who are not exposed to many other cultures.
  • About Bonnie Bader:
  • Bonnie Bader lives in Brooklyn, New York. Elizabeth Wolf lives in Boise, Idaho.
    Nancy Harrison lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
  • Other books by Bonnie Bader
    1. Who was Christopher Columbus?
    2. Who was Robert E. Lee?
Bader, B., & Wolf, E. (2008). Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap.

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